Thursday, August 4, 2011

7 week, Reflection

At this week we discussed issues of learner autonomy and use of one-computer classroom. We read the explanation of the definition “learner autonomy’ that is similar to “independence”, “andragogy”, and “self-awareness”. Through discussion with classmates we shared ideas that “Autonomy is a process, not a product (Thanasoulas)” and it dependent on positive atmosphere that stimulate students think, share, discuss, and create. “Autonomy” has to start from school administration then to spread to teachers and students. All of these groups have to allow that “autonomy” is a norm of student work. Students have to work collaboratively in the group, learn how to manage plans, take decisions, and solve problems. The role of a teacher is high, because he/she has to facilitate learning process skillfully. Teacher has to engage students into the process, learn student learning styles, their interests and needs. Teacher has to monitor student success and support him in tasks that he/she can do very well. I remember the example that was provided by my classmate Celeste about the boy who could teach students how to use technology. Student was shy before that lesson but after he gained self-confidence and his classmates “looked on him differently”. Thus, we can see that support of a teacher is a valuable for students who want to feel confidence in a group and in a class. After that, students will work in a group with satisfaction. They will plan the steps on realization of their work and will develop many skills such as language skills, computer skills, group collaboration skills, and presentation skills. Teacher has to provide a feedback to students on time in order to let them know where they succeed and what they need to improve. Samuel P-H Sheu writes in the article “Learner Autonomy: Bird-in-the-hand or Bird-in-the-bush?” that “Richard Smith is right to remind us as teachers of the need to take responsibility for our own teaching development as a part of our professional practice.” Thus, teachers have to share their experience with others, discuss issues, and find solutions with other teachers and administration. In addition, administration has to know that students work in groups, develop critical thinking skills, and teachers use critical thinking and innovative methods of teaching. They have to agree, motivate, and be anxious of success from using pedagogical innovations in learning process at school.
At this week we planned a technology-enhanced lesson plan with one-computer classroom. As I read in the literature about using one-computer room, I understood that even one computer can be used in variety tools such as administrative tool, a presentation tool, a communication station, an information station, a publishing tool, a learning center, a simulation center ( Thus, it was a difficult task to choose what I am going to do with one-computer room. I applied my knowledge to a topic on Human anatomy “The respiratory system”, where I will provide a presentation through Power Point Presentation by projector, take an Interactive Quiz, and organize a “Research station “for group work. Students will work there on the question “How does smoking affect the respiratory system?”. I believe that use of technology would benefit my students as they improve their computer skills, research skills, leadership skills, and ability to communicate in a group.
Moreover, we “polish and review” the Plan that I am going to put into practice when the school starts. Students of 9-grade in anatomy class will experience this Plan.
In addition, at this time I create the 2-Plan. What is about? I am going to organize a Professional development training for teachers from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, where I will implement (my second) Plan of my on-line Course. They are teachers from Kyrgyz, Russian, and Uzbek schools. Their ages are different from 30 to 50 years old. There would be 30 teachers who are able to speak on Russian, so training would be on Russian. I will post topics of discussion, photos, and reports on site. I have already a draft of it. The duration of Professional Development Course is one year. The first phase of the course would be from16 to 26 August. The settings are: one room for discussion, with a white board and movable furniture. Another room is a computer room of 27 computers with access to Internet, projector, and printer. Teacher’s needs are to learn how use ICT in the classroom; learn new methods of teaching, discuss assessment and evaluation; share experience, and so on. For my 2-Plan I will ask teachers open e-mail address, create reflective blogs in and delicious page. We will discuss issues of science and technology and how teachers can use technology at the classroom through Nicenet platform. We will discuss the role of student-centered methodologies, Interactive lectures, and Interactive Power Point. Also, we will discuss diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment. To asses and evaluate the work of participants, I will use Rubrics and also I am looking for grading on-line system. One of them I found at . I try to practice it with new class of students (that I design) and by adding types of assessment, and so on. From the first side it looks OK. I am not sure yet if I will use this system, but will try.
Sites and downloads that are useful:
1. How Stuff Works “This is a great place to learn about how things work. Some of the topics are How telephones work, How your immune system works, and Inside a remote control.(”. I could find there puzzles of animals that I can use in my classes
2. It’s very interesting site with “Virtual field trip” where I can “travel” virtually with my students and discover some new places.
3. ooVoo I installed it again at my computer! I used it before at MSU. This program is a free conferencing tool, it has “computer- to phone” calling service, six-way video calls, business with desktop sharing


  1. Hi Natalya,

    Thanks for mentioning me in your post! I will never forget that lesson, indeed, but I usually do this with my students. I always try to motivate them by making them feel special.

    Also last year I had 5 students in my 7th grade who were studying music outside school. When I taught the topic "Music", they were my special students in that particular lesson. They explained the difference between some musical instruments we were talking about, for example.

    I really liked your teacher development session. It's great that we share our knowledge, isn't it? I will also present my Project Plan and write some articles promoting this e-course, to our Portuguese Teachers of English Association and British Council online magazine, and I'm planning to include the WebQuest I created in a session I'm going to present on the 10th September for Teachers of English in Portugal. I love sharing the fantastic things I learn. ;-)


  2. Dear Natalia,
    I agree with Celeste, your professional development teacher training sounds really good! The teachers who attend your course will surely learn a lot!
